Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how Aurora collects and uses your personal information when you use our services.

Data Collection

We collect the following information:

  • Email and passwords on signup, securely stored using hashing algorithms.
  • IP address for account verification.
  • Hardware information to lock licenses to customers' computers.

Data Usage

We use your information for the following purposes:

  • To verify user accounts and ensure security.
  • To lock licenses to customers' hardware for security reasons.

Third-Party Services

We use third-party services for the following:

  • Monitoring IP addresses to prevent blocked VPN usage.
  • Mail checks to prevent spam signups.
  • Discord webhooks to allow users to send information using the API.
  • Cloudflare to proxy traffic and provide DDoS protection.

Account Deletion

Users can delete their accounts in settings by confirming their username, email, and password.

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